Wondering how you can squeeze independent reading into your already tight ELA schedule?
With limited class time and a boatload of standards, is independent reading really possible?
It is possible. Let me show you.
Join me live on Saturday, October 14th at 12pm EST!
YES, I NEED THIS!You’ve tried to implement independent reading in your classroom, but it never goes quite as planned.
Yep, I’m talking about the behavior issues that suddenly bubble up...
...and the students who can never find a book to read.

Unlock everything you need to implement independent reading for only $327 $29!
Join Me Live on October 14thDuring The Independent Reading Reset Workshop, I’ll give you a step-by-step guide to implementing independent reading in your classroom without the headache.
You’ll get all my best tips for holding students accountable, encouraging every student to read, and using independent reading alongside your current curriculum.

You know independent reading is good for student autonomy and increases reading skills.
But implementing independent reading in your classroom feels impossible.
- You have a million things to teach, and you don’t have time to fit in one more thing.
- You haven’t found a consistent routine for independent reading that works week after week.
- When you actually do make time for independent reading, you’re dealing with behavior issues the whole time (longest 20 minutes of your life).
- Your students complain and go to great lengths to avoid reading. They act like reading is a form of torture!
- Getting students to quiet down and focus on reading is a struggle.
- You want to build in more independent reading time, but you’re not sure how to hold students accountable without reading logs or book reports.
I understand your hesitations because I’ve been there.
I was once the teacher with a 55-minute class period scratching her head over how to carry out independent reading. But once I found a system that worked, I never looked back. (And I want to share that same system with you.)
It feels like you’ve tried a million techniques, but the results are always the same: independent reading time is a struggle.
You give students a few minutes each day to read or allow them to read when their work is done, but it’s unstructured - which leads to all sorts of trouble. You wonder if it was time well spent.
You set aside a day each week to read, but it’s hard to keep students on task.
Some students fall asleep. Others pretend to read. And some never make it out of the class library.
Ultimately, you’re lacking a way to hold students accountable.
You’re trying to make time (when you can find it), but your book challenges and reading logs aren’t inspiring those reluctant readers to get on board.

Support your struggling and reluctant readers, so they can also benefit from independent reading.
I’ll show you how I built a reading community that boosts students' reading confidence and reading attitudes.
Plus, how you can help those students who don’t know what to read, constantly ditch books, and spend the entire reading time selecting a book.

Create a consistent reading routine that holds students accountable (and works alongside your curriculum).
I know you’re tight on time, so instead of trying to cram independent reading into your classroom, let’s make it work with your curriculum.
I’ll show you how to use independent reading time as a way for students to demonstrate what they’ve learned - so you can check for understanding and hold students accountable while they read.

Manage student behavior so independent reading is productive for students (and not a headache for you).
Behavior issues are unavoidable, but they don’t have to keep you from implementing independent reading.
I’m giving you realistic strategies to handle students who refuse to read (or fake read), students who act out during independent reading, and students who make it known that they hate reading.

If you want your students to be excited when you announce the next novel in class, you have to watch this workshop!
I initially enrolled in the Book Clubs in a Box Workshop because I want my kids to be excited about reading and not moan when a new novel is introduced. I was frustrated with feeling like I had to just give vocab quizzes, and comprehension questions to assess what they were reading. I didn't know what to do with the apathetic students and didn't want it to infect the whole class.
I tried a book club from what I learned in the workshop. All but one group totally thrived!!
My favorite part of the workshop was the practicality. I love everything you do. I can have fun teaching. My kids can have fun learning. Not only will kids be excited, you as the teacher will feel like you are part of your favorite book club too! And this can happen without working 80 hours a week! When I reflect on the value of this workshop compared to what I purchased it at and how much I would have paid, I am a Hub member (so the workshops are included). The monthly price seems right.
– Jen StoW
I believe in letting a product speak for itself, so when people ask me how I've gotten my kids to excel in reading I will tell them of the hope and guidance this workshop was able to provide.
I initially enrolled in the Book Clubs in a Box Workshop because I wanted to find a way to help my students fall in love with reading.
I am stuck with using a chosen curriculum and didn't know how I would find the time to implement it.
This workshop was at the end of the school year, so I had thought there would be no way to implement anything new. But after implementing the workshop's strategies, I had a group of students who always wanted to eat lunch with me and read during lunch!!!
When I reflect on the value of this workshop, it was worth every bit and more.

Join me Live on Saturday, October 14th at 12pm EST to get everything you need to make independent reading a success.

During this live workshop, I’ll answer all your burning questions about independent reading so you can enhance how it’s used in your classroom:
- I’ll share how you can create a consistent independent reading routine in your classroom.
- I’ll dive deep into how independent reading can work alongside your curriculum and be used to further develop skills you’re already teaching.
- We’ll chat about strategies and resources for managing tricky student behaviors during independent reading time.
- I’ll share tools and resources to help you hold students accountable during independent reading, like status of the class and student conferences.
- I’ll talk about establishing a purpose for reading so you can build student confidence and increase reading independence.
- 6 months of access to the replay (unless you’re in The Hungry Teacher’s Hub - you get extended access as long as you're in the membership).
- 90-minute PD certificate (check with your school to see if they accept them).
I’ll walk you through ways to implement independent reading in your classroom that doesn't take away your instruction time (but instead further develops student learning).
- I’ll give you a breakdown of how to spend your class period, whether you have a 40-minute block or a 120-minute block - we can make it work for you.
- I’ll show you how you can incorporate independent reading into your existing curriculum without ditching your school's required texts or skipping essential standards.
- We’ll talk about how independent reading can continuously develop the skills students have learned while also holding students accountable and promoting student choice (yep! It’s possible).

I know trying new strategies can feel overwhelming, so I’m passing along my Literature and Realistic Fiction unit, which will help you ease into using independent reading in a new way.
- This resource includes 18 lesson plans to help you cover the essential standards for fiction while also giving you space to use independent reading.
- The unit also includes mentor text information, interactive notebook lessons, and reading response rubrics.
- Use this resource as a step-by-step guide to using independent reading alongside your curriculum.
Plus, I’m not letting you walk away without even more goodies that make implementing the information from this workshop a breeze.
- Get your hands on exit tickets and rubrics to reinforce skills throughout the year and easily assess students' knowledge.
- Grab the accountability resources to keep students focused and engaged during independent reading, like graphic organizers and status of the class,
- Lastly, you’ll get the engagement pack, which helps students get excited about reading and makes book selection easier for students (and you).

You'll also get access to these bonuses

So, your students can’t seem to find a book. These resources will help your students explore books and select something that interests them (without wasting hours in the library).
✅ The First Chapter Friday resource makes it simple to introduce students to new books and pique their interest.
✅ Explore books the fun way with a book tasting. You’ll get access to my Starbooks step-up as an added bonus.
✅ Add the editable genre display posters to your classroom library so students have an easier time browsing books and finding new books to read.

Ever wonder if students are actually reading their books (or just pretending)? With these resources, you can go beyond the reading logs and AR tests to hold students accountable.
✅ You’ll get middle school specific reading response graphic organizers to help students organize what they’ve read and apply their ELA skills.
✅ The Independent Reading Teacher Toolkit with the status of the class resource and eliminate reading logs for good! Status of the class makes it easy to keep up with students reading progress and conference with students that are struggling.
✅ All the forms, tools, and resources you need to conduct quick and focused (and beneficial) conferences all year long.

It can be hard to determine what information students really know and what they need more help with. These resources make it easier!
✅ Use the literature exit tickets to check background knowledge or as a task for students to complete during independent reading.
✅ The nonfiction exit tickets will help you check student comprehension and can also be used as an independent reading task.
✅ I will also show you how to use reading responses as a core tool in accountability and text engagement. You'll get my editable reading response rubrics. Each set is broken down by grade level and standards.

I know you want to make more time for independent reading, and you want it to be a productive part of your classroom, so I’m going to make this a no-brainer.
I don’t want the price of this workshop to stand between you and independent reading success.
Which is why I’m giving away over $300 of value for only $29!
Join me live on Saturday, October 14th at 12 pm EST and get access to this 120-minute workshop + all the amazing bonuses.
SAY NO MORE! I'M IN!It’s time to take independent reading off the back burner...
...and instead use it to support what you’re already doing in your classroom.

- A seat at The Independent Reading Reset Workshop Workshop, Resources, Workbook, and six months of recording access- Live is October 14th at 12pm EST ($97 value)
- Lifetime access to the Literature and Realistic Fiction Unit ($48 value)
- Exclusive access to editable class period and planning templates ($17 value)
- 2- Hour PD Certificate
- Bonus: A+ Assessment Pack ($47 value)
- Bonus: All About Accountability Bundle ($37 value)
- Bonus: Elevated Engagement Pack ($47 value)
- Bonus: Independent Reading Bundle ($17 value)
- Bonus: TEKS to CCSS crosswalks for Texas teachers ($17 value).
$327 $29
Get Your Ticket

After The Independent Reading Reset Workshop, you’ll be ready to confidently implement independent reading alongside your curriculum, create a structure and routine for independent reading, and be ready to handle any struggles students face.
If you’re not 100% satisfied with this workshop after 14 days, we will gladly refund every penny you paid for it.
Read what fellow workshop attendees have said about their experiences with my live workshops...

My favorite part of the workshop was how responsive Martina was to members' needs and requests.
I initially enrolled in the Book Clubs in a Box Workshop because I needed help with organizational/structural tips. Accountability, engagement from all club members, and book choices were my three biggest frustrations in the classroom.
My favorite part of the workshop was how responsive Martina was to members' needs and requests; the materials are so nice and visibly appealing, and she is so generous with her resources and offerings. remembering our own mindsets in group reads was helpful at the onset, too! - Laurie Stavisky

I think your workshops are wonderful and constantly check the HUB calendar to see when the next one is! I love that you stay on with us to answer all our questions.
I am a HUB member, and so happy I decided to join after attending Martina’s mentor sentences workshop in December. It is truly appreciated.
Initially enrolled in the Book Clubs in a Box Workshop because I teach middle school resource center for grades 6-8. While I don't have enough books to do book clubs yet, I was hoping to adapt the ideas presented here to small group/resource instruction.
Before the workshop, I was concerned about acquiring books, student accountability, and grading, but I have had so many wins in my teaching as a result of what I learned in the workshop.
I wanted to move away from the traditional worksheets, and you showed me how to do that. I also plan on incorporating more verse novels in my classroom.
My favorite part of the workshop….this is a tough one because there were a lot. I loved the book lists. I had been teaching middle school resource for 21 years, got moved to the high school--taught everything BUT ELA, then got moved back, so I love seeing the latest and greatest books for middle schoolers.
The Socratic seminar changed everything for me because now I can "see" how you planned out your day--which brings me to the planning and pacing guides. It all makes sense to me now; the planning and pacing guides were key. I am very visual, so I need to "see" things; once that was explained to me, I truly got it!!! You can do it too! Martina will show you how! I promise!

You were clear, practical, and very generous! I feel inspired by your work and I'm grateful for your resources moving forward
I'm new to teaching Middle School, after the last seven years in Senior English.
I wanted a better way to teach novels since I've avoided them in favor of shorter texts for many years. I've loved all your resources so far, so I wanted to try it!
I was initially concerned about my access to books (I'm at a brand new school, so our bookroom is really lacking!), accountability, and reading all the novels ahead of starting the unit, but all my questions were answered. I'm excited to start this unit next week.
I told one of my keen Grade 8 readers that we would be reading two books coming up, and she was so excited.
My favorite part of the workshop was the resources! You were so generous. I'll be using your Realistic Fiction unit to finish off our year.
I'm Martina!
Before I entered the world of Middle School ELA, I was a fifth and sixth grade elementary teacher. My school had no curriculum or required texts, and I had all the freedom when it came to teaching my students. Plus, I had 6 hours a day to utilize however I wanted.
But then, things changed when I moved to my first middle school ELA job. I went from six hours a day with students to just 55 minutes. And my new school had lots of requirements, down to the books I read with students.
Not to mention, I had 150+ students to support - not just one class. It became a much bigger struggle to make time for reading, help every student, and try to overcome their mental barriers against reading.
Then, one day, it clicked. I was trying to cram independent reading into my day, but really, I needed independent reading to complement what I was already doing in my classroom.
When I changed my approach, everything followed suit.
I was able to bring more structure and consistency to independent reading, which kept students engaged and on-task.
I was able to use independent reading to support my lessons, which meant students got additional practice while enjoying a book they chose.
I saw fewer students fight independent reading time because there was an established purpose, routine, and expectation.
Reading became less about checking off a box, and I had a better understanding of how students' independent reading was actually going.
I want your classroom to experience that same shift, which is why I’ve taken everything I know about independent reading and packaged it into one workshop.

Is The Independent Reading Reset Right for You?
- You’re struggling to make time for independent reading in your ELA classroom.
- Your students are resistant to reading or try to avoid reading in any way possible.
- You currently make time for independent reading but lack accountability or structure.
- You’re not sure how to help students who struggle to select books or consistently ditch books.
- You want to create a classroom culture where reading is enjoyed by students.
- You’re not sure how to fit independent reading into your mandated curriculum.
- You are already confidently and consistently finding time each day for independent reading.
- You are happy to stick with reading logs and book reports, and you don’t want to learn new ways to hold students accountable during independent reading.
- You don’t think independent reading is that important, and you don’t want to create more time in your class for it.
- Your students never struggle with reading independently, and you don’t want to change anything about your current reading routine.
When you attend live, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with like-minded educators who understand your exact struggles. However, this workshop is going live only on October 14th!
This deal won’t last forever. Eventually, I’ll realize just how crazy I am for giving all these resources away for such a low price. Make sure you snag your ticket before I come to my senses. 😉

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get the recording if I can't come to the live workshop?
I teach upper elementary, special education, or struggling readers. Will this be a good fit for me?
Is the workshop live?
How long is the workshop?
Will I be able to ask questions?
How long will it take me to implement and see results?
I can’t make it live. Should I still join?

It’s time to take independent reading off the back burner...
...and instead use it to support what you’re already doing in your classroom.

- A seat at The Independent Reading Reset Workshop Workshop, Resources, Workbook, and six months of recording access- Live is October 14th at 12pm EST ($97 value)
- Lifetime access to the Literature and Realistic Fiction Unit ($48 value)
- Exclusive access to editable class period and planning templates ($17 value)
- 2- Hour PD Certificate
- Bonus: A+ Assessment Pack ($47 value)
- Bonus: All About Accountability Bundle ($37 value)
- Bonus: Elevated Engagement Pack ($47 value)
- Bonus: Independent Reading Bundle ($17 value)
- Bonus: TEKS to CCSS crosswalks for Texas teachers ($17 value).