Your students' literary analysis essays barely scratch the surface (and you’re not sure how to deepen their thinking).

You know what to teach in your literary analysis unit, but no one told you how to effectively teach analytical writing.

In the Loving Literary Analysis + Leveraging Conferences workshop, I’m giving you all the strategies you need to scaffold literary analysis, promote deeper thinking, and utilize conferences for student success. 

Join me live on December 29th at 12pm EST!

If teaching literary analysis has ever left you scratching your head, this workshop is for you.


Get access to all the tools and resources you need to effectively teach literary analysis for $373 $34!

Unlock the Loving Literary Analysis Workshop!

You could describe your students' literary analysis in a lot of ways: skimming the surface, a nice summary, or the tip of the iceberg.

But you wouldn’t say they dive deep. Writing is always tricky in middle school, but literary analysis feels impossible to teach.

  • Your students struggle with analytical thinking, which leaves their essays feeling surface-level.
  • You’re not sure how to scaffold the writing process for student success.
  • Grading feels extra time-consuming because the essays need a lot of help.
  • You’re struggling to fit everything you need to teach into a tight schedule and cramped class period.
  • You want to conference with students and offer 1:1 support, but it’s hard to find the time (and keep other students on task).

If any of that feels relevant to you, then keep on reading!

I was once the teacher who Googled “how to teach literary analysis” and pieced together lessons I found online. But I only wound up confused and overwhelmed. Eventually, I started to create my own resources…and it worked.

My students' test scores increased year after year - going from 24% meeting expectations to 72%. (And I’m going to share the strategies I used to help students get there.)


You want your students to write strong literary analysis essays, but where do you start? And how can you improve your current lessons?

  • You could keep searching the internet for lessons or piecemealing your unit together and then crossing your fingers that this year it will be better.
  • You can stick with the trial-and-error method to enhance your unit. If the 3rd time isn’t the charm, maybe the 30th is?
  • You could spend hours consuming less-than-helpful books and PD trainings on how to get your students to write thoughtful literary analysis essays.
Or you could skip right to the good stuff. I’ll help you transform your literary analysis unit in just 120 minutes.
What if your literary analysis unit could promote deeper thinking for every student?
With The Loving Literary Analysis workshop, you’ll have everything you need to:

Scaffold and differentiate your writing instruction so every student is successful.

Getting students from point A to point B can be tough, especially when every student has different needs and learning styles. That’s why I’ll break down how you can make literary analysis accessible for every kiddo. 

During the workshop, I’ll walk you through eight different strategies and scaffolding tools to try because I know writing isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

Increase writing independence and deepen students' analytical writing skills.

One of the biggest hurdles in literary analysis is getting students to go beyond the surface and really think about what they’ve read. Because, well, analysis is hard!

With the right tools, students can write thoughtful essays, present evidence to back up their analysis, and work independently. I’ll show you how I guide students through analysis and specific scaffolding strategies that build students' analytical thinking skills.

Plus, you’ll get access to literary analysis prompts that promote deeper thinking and my pacing guide to keep your unit on track.

Leverage writing conferences to improve writing skills and decrease grading time.

One of the best ways to take student writing to the next level is through 1:1 conferences. Inside the workshop, I’ll share exactly how I utilized writing conferences in my classroom, including how to set them up, make them effective, and manage student behavior.

Of course, conferences aren’t just for students. It’s for you, too! I’ll cover how writing conferences can actually reduce your grading time. (Say goodbye to weekend grading!)

Grab Your Ticket for $34

These resources are a game changer and will save you so much time! But most importantly, it works with my students!!!

I wanted to ease my planning/give me peace and reinvigorate my lessons. I'd say the BIG WIN for me was I ended up with way more time! 

The way I used to teach my classes caused a LOT of grading for me-- A LOT! I entered this thinking the first year of using these resources would be a lot of work, but if I kept it up it would be less next year. Well, low and behold! I have more free time! I still have grading, but it is not tons of comprehension questions, short answer questions and THEN essay questions for each chapter/assignment so it takes me LESS time to grade! 

Also, my kiddos are not overwhelmed and put more effort into the 'smaller' assignments! Win-win!

Proof it is working: I had to be gone for two weeks after Thanksgiving. It was easier to leave the 'old way' with the sub and students. BIG MISTAKE! They hated it!!! And, I came back to HOURS and HOURS of grading! Worst of all--no effort was seen in most essay-type questions! Never again! 


The Loving Literary Analysis + Leveraging Conferences Workshop

Join me live on Friday, December 29th at 12pm EST to get the practical strategies and tips that will help you implement an effective literary analysis unit.

120-Minute Live Workshop

During this live workshop, I’ll answer all your burning questions about literary analysis so you know exactly how to implement it and deepen students' thinking.

  • I’ll share how to structure and pace your literary analysis unit (without feeling like you’re cramming it in).
  • I’ll share easy-to-implement strategies for scaffolding and differentiating your instruction.
  • We’ll chat about strategies and resources for managing tricky student behaviors during writing conferences.
  • I’ll share how to help your students go beyond the surface with literary analysis and strengthen their analytical skills.
  • I’ll talk about using writing conferences to improve students' writing and decrease grading time.
  • You’ll get six months of access to the replay (unless you’re in The Hungry Teacher’s Hub - you get extended access as long as you're in the membership).
  • Plus, a 2.5-hour PD certificate (check with your school to see if they accept them).
Guidance and Training

You don’t have to figure out your literary analysis unit alone. You’ll walk away with a plan and strategies you can implement right away. 

  • I will walk you through a pacing guide for your literary analysis unit and a daily schedule that works whether you have a 45-minute block or a 90-minute block.
  • I’ll show you how you can easily find texts for your unit, plus I’ll suggest a few texts that I loved using with students.
  • You’ll learn eight different scaffolding strategies that will guide your students toward thoughtful essays and help you feel confident teaching literary analysis.
  • I’ll lay out my exact strategies and methods for enhancing students' analytical skills so essays don’t just say, “This quote supports the theme.”
  • We’ll talk candidly about writing independence and how to build students' stamina for writing.
The Literary Analysis Writing Unit

Everything you need from start to finish with an effective literary analysis unit that gives you desired results. 

  • A complete 24-lesson unit plan. Includes pacing, content, step-by-step teacher instructions, and solid class period structures. 
  • Strategies and frameworks for scaffolding and differentiating your instruction so all students are successful and increase their writing independence. 
  • Specific strategies to teach your students to dig deeper into their analysis.
Literary Analysis All Access Pack

I know trying new strategies can feel overwhelming, so I’m passing along teaching slides, analysis prompts, conference forms, and more to make implementation a breeze.

  • These teaching slides and planning templates will help you show up confident and prepared for every lesson.
  • The deeper analysis prompts take the guesswork out of strengthening students' analytical skills and building their writing independence.
  • Rubrics and writing conference forms help reduce your grading time, so you can focus on supporting your students.
  • The Literary Analysis Mini-Unit will help you introduce analytical writing to students and build a strong foundation for your unit.
Join the live workshop

You’ll also get the bonus Literary Analysis All Access Pack! Check out what’s inside. 👇


Literary Analysis Teaching Slides

Creating teaching slides is time-consuming! Plus, it’s easy to miss essential information or struggle to condense a big topic for students. These slides make it simple.

You’ll find teaching slides for concepts like summarizing vs. analyzing, annotation, theme, author’s craft, and more. Use these during your mini-lesson or as a quick review during your unit.


Conference Forms, Rubrics, and Planning Templates

If writing conferences feel a bit intimidating, these forms will help. You’ll be able to give constructive feedback to students so they can turn around and apply the feedback to their writing. Plus, this reduces your grading time.

Speaking of grading, the editable rubrics make it easy to check students' essays and assign them a grade. This rubric also serves as a guide for students so they know exactly what you’re looking for (and encourages writing independence).

Lastly, you’ll get access to the unit planning template, which includes my suggested pacing guide and lesson layout.


Grading and Assessment Workshop 

If you're like most ELA teachers, you probably have 100+ students writing essays... which means you have 100+ essays to grade

This bonus workshop will teach you how to grade and assess in class so you learn strategies to stop bringing grading home. 

I want these bonuses!

I know you want your students to craft high-quality literary analysis essays (without spending hours grading them), so I’m going to make this a no-brainer.

I don’t want the price of this workshop to stand between you and effective literary analysis.

Which is why I’m giving away over $370 of value for only $34!

Join me live on Friday, December 29th at 12pm EST and get access to this 120-minute workshop + all the amazing bonuses.


Learn exactly how to scaffold your unit and support students so they bring depth to their literary analysis (while also building their writing independence).

  • A seat at the Loving Literary Analysis workshop on December 29th at 12pm EST + 6 months if recording access (Valued at $97)
  • 2.5 Hour PD Certificate
  • 24 Differentiated + Scaffolded Lesson Plans (Valued at $57)
  • Editable, digital, and differentiated rubrics for 6th, 7th, and 8th (Valued at $17)
  • 40+ examples of differentiated reading responses (Valued at $47)
  • Three differentiated literary analysis essay examples (Valued at $27) 
  • Printable and digital literary analysis student reference pages (Valued at $17)
  • BONUS: Writing Assessment and Grading Workshop (Valued at $67)
  • BONUS: Teacher digital and print slide decks for each lesson (Valued at $27)
  • BONUS: Editable and differentiated writing conference forms +  standards checklists (Valued at $17)
Total Value = $373


Grab a Ticket to the Workshop

After The Loving Literary Analysis + Leveraging Conferences workshop, you’ll know exactly how to layout your unit, scaffold student learning, and increase writing independence.

Plus, you'll be ready to utilize conferences to deepen students' analytical writing skills while reducing grading time.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with this workshop after 14 days, we will gladly refund every penny you paid for it.


Read what fellow teachers have said about their experience inside the workshops...


6th Grade ELA Teacher 

I love hearing you explain what I need to do to utilize the materials fully!

I have been contemplating joining The Hungry Teacher’s hub membership for MONTHS, but it wasn't until after I took the Mentor Sentence training that I actually joined. I love the workshops!

Before investing in the membership, I was concerned about whether or not there would be materials at my students' levels (they are LOW for 6th graders). Your teaching style and the fact that you want to make it usable for sixth graders stand out about your membership.

I also wasn't sure if the materials would be confusing to me or if the materials would take too much time for me to implement, but everything is explained and easy to use.

I'm eager to do the short story units and implement Socratic Seminar.  Keep giving the PD!!! I know they're self-explanatory, but hearing you explain how you used the resources and systems has been so helpful. I would recommend to others watch any of the PD workshops first, then jump in! 

 I belong to another membership that I am going to cancel because it is too difficult for my kids, and there is a treacherous amount of reading for each activity.



6th Grade ELA Teacher  

The support I received when I could not use my monthly credits due to a health issue validated my belief that this community is teacher-centered. 

When I joined the membership, I was moving to 6th grade. I felt strongly that the sixth graders in our elementary school would benefit from being taught the way sixth graders in middle school are, so I felt The Hungry Teacher’s Hub was a perfect fit. 

A major win in my classroom since joining, my students continue to score higher than their building peers in language arts! I have implemented novels more readily because of the novel studies included. Novels are always better than a basal text.  I love the interactive grammar notebook!

It moves in a logical sequence and is very grade-level appropriate. It allows me to teach the needed topics in a fun way. Otherwise, language arts can be boring. 

I have loved being part of this community for the past two years! The support I received when I could not use my monthly credits due to a health issue validated my belief that this community is teacher-centered. I was thankful to have not lost what I’d paid for. 

I have told my teammates about The Hungry Teacher’s Hub! I brag about my class’ interactive notebooks for language arts and novel studies.  


6th-8th Grade ELA Teacher  

I teach a resource English class and was given no curriculum. The Hub has helped me in so many ways!!! I literally had no guidance as to what I was doing with my students.

My favorite part of the membership is receiving two credits a month. It helps teachers build their library of resources so much faster without hurting the bank. Also, I LOVE the workshops! I did the grammar workshop and loved it.  I wish you had the same resources for math!

Everything in The Hub is so well written. The value of what I pay each month is definitely worth it! I already recommended you to another teacher because she’s in the same boat I am. I told her there are standards, lesson plans, and so many things in the unit!

Compared to other memberships, the resources and format of it all standout. I’m so excited to get started back at school tomorrow!!!

Have we met?

I'm Martina!

When I stepped into middle school ELA (after a few years of teaching elementary school), my students were struggling. Only 24% of my seventh graders and 11% of my eighth graders “met expectations” for writing.

And to be honest, I wasn’t sure what to do about that. Sure, I had access to textbooks and resources with literary analysis prompts and lessons…

But they didn’t show me how to promote critical thinking or enhance students’ analytical skills.

So, I resorted to Googling. I typed in “examples of middle school literary analysis essays” hoping for something that could help, but all I found were college-level examples. And just like that, I was back at square one.

Honestly, I was frustrated that no one seemed to have an answer, so I decided to figure it out on my own. I began practicing each step in writing a literary analysis essay before I taught it.

Eventually, I was able to break the writing process into 24 lessons that were digestible for students. I also created reference resources and a conferencing plan, so I could support students along the way.

It felt like a long shot…. But it worked!

My students' scores shot up, their essays improved, and I even spent less time grading essays. (Which seemed crazy at the time, but it’s much easier to grade good essays than rough ones.)

For so long, it seemed like there was a “secret” to great student writing that I simply didn’t know. 

But it’s no secret that 1:1 conferences can lead to higher-quality essays or that scaffolding builds a stronger foundation for students to grow.

It’s not a secret, it just feels like it because you’ve only ever been told what students need to achieve - not how to get them there. Until now! I’m sharing everything I know in this workshop so your literary analysis unit is always effective.

Is The Loving Literary Analysis Workshop Right for You?

  • You’re struggling to fit literary analysis into your busy schedule
  • Your students are struggling to think deeply and critically when analyzing
  • You’ve taught literary analysis before, but you didn’t love the results
  • You’ve never taught literary analysis, and you aren’t sure where to start
  • You want practical tips for scaffolding your unit and using writing conferences
  • You want students to write better essays (and spend less time grading them)
  • Your students struggle to write independently or lack writing stamina
  • You are already confidently teaching literary analysis and seeing amazing results
  • You don’t have any plans to teach literary analysis in your classroom
  • Your students are already writing essays that demonstrate deep analytical thinking
  • You don’t want to use writing conferences to enhance student writing skills or decrease your grading time
  • You have all the resources and tools you need to effectively teach literary analysis
Don’t miss your chance to grab your ticket to this live workshop!

When you attend live, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with like-minded educators who understand your exact struggles. However, this workshop is going live only on December 29th at 12pm EST! 

This deal won’t last forever. Eventually, I’ll realize just how crazy I am for giving all these resources away for such a low price. Make sure you snag your ticket before I come to my senses. 😉

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn exactly how to scaffold your unit and support students so they bring depth to their literary analysis (while also building their writing independence).

  • A seat at the Loving Literary Analysis workshop on December 29th at 12pm EST + 6 months if recording access (Valued at $97)
  • 2.5 Hour PD Certificate
  • 24 Differentiated + Scaffolded Lesson Plans (Valued at $57)
  • Editable, digital, and differentiated rubrics for 6th, 7th, and 8th (Valued at $17)
  • 40+ examples of differentiated reading responses (Valued at $47)
  • Three differentiated literary analysis essay examples (Valued at $27) 
  • Printable and digital literary analysis student reference pages (Valued at $17)
  • BONUS: Writing Assessment and Grading Workshop (Valued at $67)
  • BONUS: Teacher digital and print slide decks for each lesson (Valued at $27)
  • BONUS: Editable and differentiated writing conference forms +  standards checklists (Valued at $17)
Total Value = $373


Grab a Ticket to the Workshop